About Caffeine Injection

I'm Steve. I've been Building websites and helping small businesses grow their online footprint since 2001.

It Was Twenty Years Ago Today


How It Started

In the late '90s, after 15 years of running small businesses, I was keen to take advantage of this new thing called "the internet". But getting a website back then was silly money, so I learnt to do it myself.

After some success, I started helping others get their businesses online. Eventually, this took up all my time, so in 2001, Caffeine Injection was born.

Things Have Changed Since 2001

(but some things remain)

Costs Effective Solutions

Much has changed in that time. Technologies have updated, new digital worlds have appeared, and everyone is now online.

But one constant remains: small businesses still need cost-effective solutions.

That's where I come in. I get it. It's why I focus on getting clients the maximum bang for their buck.

Small Is Beautiful

(and cheap too!)

Small Team Low Prices

I don't have a large team of full-timers. I have a small group of core people, supported by freelancers who are bought onboard as projects demand.

I don't have swanky offices. All my team work remotely.

This means my overheads are low, which reflects in my prices.

My Motto


It's All About You

Many designers use the sites they make to showcase their skills. Meaning you end up with something that might look amazing but doesn't deliver.

I approach my projects differently. You, your services and what you have to sell always take centre stage in everything I do. Not fancy effects.

My motto is keep it simple & straightforward (KISS).

This Is Me


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